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About me

subject photography, jewelry photography

My name is Dmitry Evtifeev and I am a professional photographer. I mean professional, as it’s my profession I’m earning my leaving. My speciality is a subject photography, but I do portrait and landscape shooting with the same enthusiasm. 😁

I’m involved in photography, because, I love to see the beauty and to fix it for the others, to get to the interesting places and to meet the interesting people.

Besides I write the photo equipment reviews , optics also and about some other interesting subjects.

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Subject photography

In the subject photography I’ve chosen one of the most difficult fields – shooting of the glossy surfaces. Generally I specialize on the authors’ and collectible cold weapons, different art-objects, sculptures and compositions from metall. But, also I shoot the glass, ceramics and other interesting stuff. You can see my works here — subject photography

subject photography, author’s designed knives, jewelry photography, shooting of the icons and collectibles

subject photography, jewelry photography

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Publications of my works you can see here

The magazine “Cut” – a specialized magazine about a cold weapon
The magazine «The world of metal» – a magazine about the metal products
The magazine «Rifle» – a magazine about cold and firearm weapon
The magazine «The economic strategies»

I also teach photography (subject, portrait and landscape)in Russian and English languages both

subject photography teaching

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The working process

The subject photography for me is a craft, where the technical specification and the customer’s desire already present. Thus my business is to make these come alive. I could compare the subject photography with a shoemaking. You need to provide a result in time, with a quality and beauty. Such a position lets to pay more attention to the customer’s desires and the shoots quality, rejecting the ephemeral unmeasurable characteristics for my out-of-work time. In case of possibility and customer’s will, I usually try to offer my own sight at the good promoted, but I always remember, that my task is to make the very image, which will completely meet the concept and the standards of the industry.

subject photography, jewelry photography

From the all of said above it comes the conclusion, that if you decide to offer me a photo session or a subject shooting, I will try to make more efforts and to think up something new in a photo technique or the subject, than a “creative” photographer, who is acting on a pattern.

subject photography, jewelry photography

I practice an individual approach to everyone of my clients and try to satisfy him both with a result of my work, and with an attitude toward him.

I make my shooting on a quality equipment in order to eliminate the technical issues, because I always try to do my best and at a professional level. For this reason I use the faultless equipment (the best for today) of the Swiss Company Broncolor and the lenses Carl Zeiss.

subject photography, jewelry photography, goods shooting

The price for the subject shooting depends on it’s complexity. If I will be able to make the beautiful images quickly, so the price will be not high. If the subject is difficult for shooting (made of glass, chrom-plated round shape, with a complex texture or shape, very big in size, an so on), the price might be significantly higher.


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Subject photography course

subject photography course

I carry the subject photography courses, and you can get an information about it from the relevant section and to enroll.

Only intensive practice with a following support in my blog. No “water” and extras. After the training you will know how to shoot the majority of the subjects, and how to retouch images before to give them to the client.

I will also tell you which photo equipment you may need in order you to purchase exactly what’s necessary without waistig your budget. I will also explain you how to handle whith just only inexpensive devices, and which of your equipment should be improved firstly. There will not be long lasting stories about an equipment with the astronomical prices, if you do not want to listen to about it yorselr. Only about what you can purchase just tomorrow to start your subject shooting, if you’re serious about it.

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Master classes

I carry the individual masret classes and photo sessions outside of Russia. Please, contact me on my e-mail

Sometimes I carry master classes in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. . Contact me to discuss the details.

For those, who live in the other cities, I’ve created special Premium-sections, where I consult about a photostudio equipment, a lens choose, the shooting methods and techniques, working in Adobe Photoshop on a paid subscription base.

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I do portrait shooting regularly as well, not only in a studio, but on landscapes. I’ve a wast experience of a portrait photography, some time ago I used to shoot the off-site events (the most interesting genre, as you get an opportunity to meet different famous people and to discover some new places). Now I do the portrait shooting for the different internet-projects and the photo equipment and optics reviews illustrations. You can see my works in a portrait genre here

The publications in the magazine “An expensive pleasure” – the magazine about a luxury style of life

I do the model shooting in a rented studio, thus the cost of such a session includes the rental price, model fee, visage cost and my assistant fee.

TFP I collaborate Only with the models, whose type is interesting for me in the current moment. I have the idea of the photo session, provide the equipment, place and conditions, an assistant and visagiste – if required. You should artistically realize the character. Please, send me your photos with your face and body close up, and we can create something.

You can contact me here or on my mail [email protected]

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Landscape photography

The courses for travelers - landscape and portrait photography

My affection to photography began just from the landscape shooting. I traveled a lot and sharpened my shooting skills. Some of them are published as calendars or catalogue covers. Now unfortunately I have not enough time to work on the landscape shooting tightly, thus I arrange an opportunity to shoot something interesting during my landscape photography courses.

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Photo equipment reviews

subject photography courses

In my out-of-shooting time I write the photo equipment and optical devices reviews. In a way it is also my work, as it was beginning as a hobby, but now it has achieved a high level and takes me lot of efforts to read special literature, I collaborate with many popular brands and write their equipment reviews for them. You can read about it here collaboration

I call photo equipment all the stuff, that is relative to photography in any way: photo cameras, lenses, studio lights, photo filters, photo bags and cases, and even selfy wangs or special effects generators (cheap or expensive – no matter!).
Besides, I’m interested in reviewing of the optical devices not directly reffering to photography. Now I’m writing the binoculars reviews. In the nearest future I hope to start the reviewing of the optical gunsights and microscopes. It is one more field, what I’m interested in, and where my knowledge in optics could be useful.

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Video reviews

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I’m on TV

You can ask your questions here
You can discuss the photography and equipmenton forum

My blog about photo equipment is almost incommercial (I removed all the advertising in order to make it convenient to read), so I would appreciate any of your support! Please, do not hesitate to provide the equipment for the reviews, and welcome to buy some photo equipment and accessories in my mini-shop.

Benefit prices for:

lensesCarl Zeiss;
— original photo filters B+W, Carl Zeiss, Hoya;
— products ofProfoto (studio equipment);
— binocularsSteiner
— tripods and accessories Gitzo;
— tripods, stands and other equipment Manfrotto;
— plastic cases HPRC
— bags and backpacks Lowepro;
— tripods Cullmann
— products of Falcon Eyes (studio equipment);
— products of Broncolor, Foba (studio equipment);
— stuff LensPen for the lens cleaning

Donations are also welcomed for the development of the reviews devoted part of the project.
You help the site – site helps you with the quality reviews!

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Where to subscribe for my news:

subscribe to RSS-messages
Me in Vkontakte.
Me in Facebook
Me in Flickr
My Instagram: dmitryevtifeev
в Google+

Link in, if you want to read the news about photo equipment.

Here you can see the images from the different lenses close up in my account Flickr.. Albums now are under the replenishment.

Dmitry Evtifeev photographer

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Optics reviews (binoculars)

I am an ambassador of the German Company STEINER, the leading manufacturer of the quality binoculars for civil and military purposes.

Optics reviews (binoculars)

My sphere – STEINER OUTDOOR, i.e. the binoculars for traveling and multipurpose use.
There are also Marine and Hunter series, I can consult you concerning to them, as I use the other series of Steiner binoculars, despite of my profile sphere OUTDOOR.

Dmitry Evtifeev photographer

If you need an assistance in binoculars choosing, please, contact mein comments to this postor on mymail

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Carl Zeiss

I’m a test-pilot of Carl Zeiss Company andan expert in lenseson site: http://lens-club.ru and http://allphotolenses.com

purchase Carl Zeiss

*test-pilot – it is a credibility demonstrated by the Company Carl Zeiss towards me, which allows to get the new models of the lenses Carl Zeiss earlier, than others (sometimes before the announcement), to test them and to write the reviews of them.

I’ve got a chance to use quite a lot of lenses, both old models and new and expensive ones of completely different brands.

You can read about many of them in this blog. I do the lens tests by means of the new method Slanted Edge (software package Imatest) on special testing photo mirahs.
I check the results visually тестовых мирах Schneider Optics.

autofocus setting

To test the tiny details processing by the lens in a contra lighting I often use my cat of Scottish-straight breed as a photo model )

subject photography courses

I’m not a fan of Carl Zeiss Company, as many people think, and have the lenses of different brands in use. But a person should be a specialist in something, that’s why I’ve chosen Zeiss.

Lenses ZEISS Otus reviews

Lenses ZEISS Otus reviews

To study the history and the products of the Company Carl Zeiss is useful also because in the field of the lens construction it is the one of the oldest and most noble firms.

subject photography courses

The majority of that we are using now in photography was invented one day by the specialists of this particular Company.

And now there are some more brands attached to this brand.

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Photo filters B+W (Schneider Kreuznach)

It can be said that I’m a specialist in photo filters B+W (production of a very respectable Company Schneider Kreuznach), I’ve been working with for a few years already. I’ve picked up a considerable collection of the samples and tested all of them. There are my articles or notes about my experience of using many of them in this blog. I’m also trying some exotic filters you will not find any information about on Internet.

purchase photo filter B+W

And to add to this campaign there are the filters Hoya, I’m involved in a creating an informative base now.

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Broncolor & Profoto

I’m my studio I use the lighting equipment and light modificating devices by Broncolor (Switzerland), but if I have an opportunity, I test and compare my equipment with not less respectable Profoto (Sweden) and also seek for the advantageous decisions in the lighting equipment by Falcon-Eyes. Do not hesitate to ask me, if you are interested!

subject photography courses online

subject photography courses

I’m married and have got two wonderful sons

Обучение предметной фотосъемке


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