The lens ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 review

Hello, my friends!

I’m glad to say, that today we’re going to talk about one of the best in optics portrait lens ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4.

The lens ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 review

ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4


When the lens rangeZeiss Milvus appeared, the two lenses were especially interesting for me: ZEISS Milvus 50/1.4, ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4.

It’s not a coincidence, because exactly two these lenses are completely new developments unlike the other Milvuses, which got the new bodies, but their optical parts remained the same (also very nice, as they were renovated last time).

Here is the list of the all existing modern ranges of Carl Zeiss photo lenses

What is such a special in the new portrait lens? At the first, it was made in the most experienced in a lens building Company, which specializes in the optics of the highest level.

At the second, this is a manual optics, which provides an opportunity of the exact manual focusing.
Да, она для неспешной съемки, которую многие нынешние “пулеметчики” отрицают. Но такая съемка существует и многие люди получают глубокое удовольствие от того, что они удачно поймали выражение лица, погоду, фокус и объектив только добавил художественности.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Просветление ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 “горит” таинственным оранжевым цветом. Таинственным, потому как на многих последних цейсах оно было зелёное. Статистику не составлял, но эксперименты явно ведутся и, очевидно, что в сторону улучшения.
У меня давно уже было подозрение, что над просветлением работают, но маркировку оставляют старую T*, тогда как на кинообъективах стоит T*XP.
На вопрос представителю Carl Zeiss мне ответили, что T*XP на фотообъективах не планируется, но кто знает?
Сейчас всё принято скрывать до последнего момента.

Конструктив, дизайн и эргономика

Объектив сделан очень добротно, в современном обтекаемом стиле. В этом плане он чем-то похож на автомобиль Порше.
Гладкий и металлический, скрывающий в себе немалую оптическую мощь.

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Надо сказать, что 85-ти миллиметровые объективы всегда у Цейса тяжелые и внушительные по размерам. Особенно с блендой. Мне повезло сравнить “дедушку” и “внука”. Т.е. Carl Zeiss Planar 85/1.4 c/y и ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Оба по-своему прекрасны. “дедушка” (Carl Zeiss Planar 85/1.4 c/y) без особых проблем прожил 30 лет и собирается еще жить и жить. Не это ли хороший показатель качества изготовления объективов Carl Zeiss?

Теперь по существу. Мне не нравится резиновое фокусировочное кольцо. Оно новомодное, его не ощущаешь пальцами и оно ужасно выглядит уже через несколько дней пользования т.к. к нему липнет пыль. Да и по цвету оно серое, а не чёрное, как сам объектив. Но это относительно его вида.

Вращается фокусировочное кольцо очень плавно и ход у него большой (270 градусов), что очень удобно для точной настройки фокуса в ручной фокусировке.

Бленда удобная и приятная на ощупь. Но что делать, когда хочешь воспользоваться поляризатором? Я задавал этот вопрос Александру Прелю, немецкому представителю компании Carl Zeiss. Он продемонстрировал работу с поляризатором пальцами внутри бленды. А теперь представьте, что вы на ощупь с фронтальной части объектива влезаете пальцами в глубокую бленду.. Печаль.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Потому я использую всегда старую цейсовскую бленду (она надета на контаксовский 85-мм цейс на снимке). Ничего лучше пока не видел. Качественная, легкая и позволяет крутить бленду вместе с поляризационным светофильтром.
Да и немаловажно, что она тоже выглядит стильно. Может не так красиво, как новая от Милвуса, но мне всё-таки важнее удобство работы с фильтром.

Я обследовал весь объектив (время было). Качество изготовления точно выше среднего для нашего времени.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Металл, везде металл.. Даже к щеке прикладывать не нужно.

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Синяя полоса на байонете — это влагозащита. Пожалуй резиновое кольцо тут понадежнее, чем у L объективов Canon.

Технические характеристики

Фокусное расстояние85 мм
Диапазон значений диафрагмыf/1.4 – f/16
Оптический дизайн (линз/в группах)11 / 9
Диапазон фокусировки0,80 м — ∞
Угол обзора (диаг./гориз./верт.)29° / 24° / 16°
Диаметр круга покрытия43 мм
Рабочий отрезокZF.2: 46,50 мм
ZE: 44,00 мм
Покрытие на близкой дистанции (МДФ)303 мм x 201 мм
Масштаб1 : 8.3
Диаметр резьбы под фильтрM77 x 0.75
Положение входного зрачка (от передней линзы)45,9 мм
Ход фокусировочного кольца270 °
Максимальный диаметрZF.2: 90,0 мм
ZE: 90,0 мм
Диаметр фокусировочного кольцаZF.2: 88,7 мм
ZE: 88,7 мм
Длина (без крышек)ZF.2: 110,0 мм
ZE: 113,0 мм
Длина (с крышками)ZF.2: 119,0 мм
ZE: 121,0 мм
ВесZF.2: 1.210 гр.
ZE: 1.280 гр.

Остальные технические характеристики вы можете посмотреть в статье про только что выпущенные 6 Милвусов

На какой камере ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 покажет себя лучше

Было бы странно ожидать, что современный объектив не будет рассчитан на современные же камеры. Carl Zeiss оставили себе “зазор” по характеристикам между ZEISS Otus 85/1.4 и ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4, но ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 определенно много лучше, чем Carl Zeiss Planar 85/1.4 Z. Примерно настолько же, насколько “запредельный” по всем параметрам Отус лучше, чем Милвус.

Вывод отсюда такой, что использовать ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 на камерах с разрешением менее 21 Мпикс можно, но всё-таки желательно купить камеру поновее, чтобы полнее раскрыть его потенциал.

У меня в наличии на момент тестирования было две камеры, на которых я хотел попробовать ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4. Это Canon 5DsR (50 Мпикс) и Nikon D300 (12 Mpix).

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Nikon можно было и не задействовать, но мне попался как раз Милвус на байонет Никона, так что это на Canon он работал через адаптер.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Снимки, сделанные на ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Кто хочет пропустить раздел “Пейзаж”, где я немного рассказываю о Петербурге, может сразу перейти в раздел Портреты или Тесты.


Прогулка вдоль набережной Невы с Алексеем Литвиным. Ноги мы стоптали основательно, походили по Васильевскому острову, дошли до Академии Художеств и сделали пару фото у Эрмитажа. Я лично очень доволен прогулкой — фото получились отменные. Когда еще спокойно погуляешь по родному городу?
Большинство снимков сделаны на Nikon D300, для которого имеющийся ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 был с родным байонетом. Где снимок сделан на Canon 5DsR я специально подписал.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

В Петербурге много рек и каналов. Приятно прогуляться вдоль набережных.. А живу я вообще на острове, коих тут не одна штука :)

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Исаакиевский собор и мост Лейтенанта Шмидта (ныне Благовещенский, но мне приятнее называть его “по-старому”).

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Исаакиевский собор, вид от Невы.

Снимок на Canon 5DsR + ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4.

Можно было бы сказать, что этот человек мне специально позирует, но это была бы неправда. Просто случайность :) Спасибо за 50 Мпикс, Canon (Снимок на Canon 5DsR + ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4). Черную рамку я добавил, видимо, подсознательно :) Надеюсь, он не пострадал.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Здание Эрмитажа и кораблик. А вы знаете, что Эрмитаж менял цвет стен несколько раз и во время революции 1917г. он был красно-кирпичный?

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Кстати, у него разрушили вентиляционную башенку, которую вы видите на картинке. Большевики не любили выступающие над крышей объекты.
Недавно заметил, что у любимого мной Аничкового дворца тоже нет старинных остроконечных куполов и башен, их тоже снесли после революции.

На картинке Зимнего Дворца вы также видите ограду с витиеватой решеткой.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Её тоже разрушили. В 1920 г. Ленин объявил субботник и просто всё сломал.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Ныне же Зимний Дворец (он же Эрмитаж, т.к. музей сейчас занимает практически все помещения бывшей царской резиденции) свой двор держит открытым. Ограды совсем нет, фонтан восстановлен и летом в нём купаются школьники.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Здание Адмиралтейства, Западный павильон.

Петербург летом бывает особенно красив, а в дождливое и снежное время навевает меланхолическое настроение. Именно меланхолическое, а не депрессивное, кое появляется в среде “хрущоб”. Здесь же практически всё в старых районах построено известными архитекторами и подчинено одному главному плану красоты города.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Туристические кораблики. В период “Белых ночей” приезжает огромное количество туристов, а потом их количество резко уменьшается. Такое ощущение, что в Петербурге в остальное время нечего смотреть :) Но это не так, и в последние два года почти всё лето в Петербурге очень много китайских. менее разборчивых, туристов.

Обзор объектива ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Петропавловская крепость. Про “Петропавловку” говорить можно очень долго т.к. это целый ансамбль сооружений, главное что нужно знать – это первое здание в Петербурге и представляет из себя небольшую крепость. Пляж у “Петропавловки” облюбован горожанами в летнее время. В советское время находиться у воды было не очень приятно т.к. от неё несло химическими запахами, а сейчас, вода уже не пахнет (догадайтесь почему).

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Стрелка Васильевского острова, ростральная колонна.

Ростра́льная коло́нна (лат. columna rostrata, от лат. rostrum — нос корабля) — отдельно стоящая колонна, украшенная носами кораблей (рострами) или их скульптурными изображениями.

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Это здание я не знаю (находится на В.О., Большой проспект), просто увидел интересный купол.

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Объектив, конечно, просто шикарный. Просто ходи по городу и снимай картинки, которые будешь вешать на стену. Да и не только я такие бы повесил.. Горожане город любят и просят у меня время от времени снимки города. С ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 сделать таких открыточных фото несложно, можно потом каждому давать его уникальное фото на стену.

На фото виднеется “Церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы”, на куполах которой я “оттачивал” возможности инфракрасной съемки. Они очень красиво играют золотом на солнце и интересно передать красоту купола в черно-белой фотографии, а потом сравнить со старинными снимками, сделанными в начале 20-ого века.

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Снимок на Canon 5DsR + ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4.
Если снимок при открытии не помещается на экране (все большие фото – 1500 пикс по ширине), то в правом нижнем углу картинки появляется иконка со стрелочками. При нажатии картинка раскрывается на полный масштаб. Это важно т.к. иначе на небольших мониторах (до 19″) вы видете “замыленную” превьюшку фото, а не само фото.


Классическое применение данного объектива – портретные снимки. Сейчас 85 мм объективы всё чаще используют, чтобы снимать красивых девушек на фоне листвы. Боке, понимаешь.. Не зря объектив имеет относительно отверстие 1.4 и даёт очень красивое боке.
Все снимки сделаны на F1.4 дабы проявить “боке” объектива.

Я девушек снимаю редко, за то часто снимаю свою семью.

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Прочие снимки

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 vs Carl Zeiss Planar 85/1.4 c/y

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Пейзаж, диафрагма F5.6.

На ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 снимок стал контрастнее, ушла какая-то желтоватая пелена. И если присмотреться, то видно, что стало выше разрешение, хотя в данном случае не скажешь, что это критично. Просто приятно, что оно выше.

Второй сюжет, F1.4

Обратите внимание на купол – насколько меньше ХА на ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4. Более того, с купола ушла “дымка”, которая являлась потерей контраста из-за контрового света (см.следующее окно сравнения).

Результаты тестов разрешения по фотомире (Imatest)

Чтобы протестировать 85 мм объектив мне пришлось удалиться от фотомиры на значительное расстояние (85*50 = 4,25 м).
Я использовал для теста фотокамеру, соответствующую объективу: Canon 5DsR. Разрешение фотокамеры: 50 Мпикс, 4,14 мкм размер “точки”.
Хочу обратить внимание, что на камерах с меньшим разрешением объектив, вполне возможно, может дать меньшие показатели, т.к. не раскроет весь свой потенциал, хотя в любом случае у него есть и другие достоинства (малые ХА, высокая устойчивость к контровому свету).

Фокусировка по LiveView, 16x. Свет белый, студийный от генератора Broncolor (“Шевеленка” исключена).


Мы говорили, что 40 lp/mm это очень неплохо для открытой диафрагмы 1.8 на объективе Sigma AF 18-35/1.8 DC HSM Art (а многие зарубежные сайты просто “пищали” от счастья). Так что вот на ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 при бОльшем относительном отверстии разрешение еще выше! 43-55 lp/mm. Что же “творится” на Отусе, который еще на шаг впереди?

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

По профилю кромки в виде кривых основных цветов (RGB) на графике вы можете увидеть, что ХА есть, они в красном канале и они не очень значительные. Хотя, скорее всего, именно они и снижают разрешение.


11 контрольных регионов, разрешение очень равномерное (брал рядом с центром кадра всё). Всё от 75-82 lp/mm, что очень много.

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Обратите внимание на график ХА. Практически их нет. Это одна из причин столь высокого разрешения.

Выводы и впечатления

ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4 отличный объектив безо всяких компромиссов. Да, Цейс может сделать еще лучше т.к. они уже выпустили ZEISS Otus 85/1.4, но мне кажется, что подавляющее большинство фотографов будут счастливы просто и с Милвусом 85/1.4.

То качество картинки, которое он выдаёт выше всяких похвал. На самом деле за то недолгое время, что он у меня был я навострился снимать им и виды города :) В конце концов названия “портретный” это всего лишь ярлыки, а возможности хорошего объектива безграничны.

Я всегда стараюсь найти и возможные недостатки, которые могут помешать вам получить удовольствие от съемки на объектив из обзора. Здесь они очевидны: ручной фокус, большой вес и размер (бывает, что в сумку входит только один этот объектив с камерой и блендой. Я носил его в рюкзаке и потому проблем не испытывал. В конце концов он не больше родного телевика).
Это кажется ерундой по сравнению с возможностями объектива, но на самом деле нужно посмотреть на свой жанр съемки объективно, чтобы не было разочарования, ведь объектив стоит недешево (оно того стоит!).

Действительно вы будете снимать портреты и пейзаж в неспешном темпе? Есть у вас такая возможность или вы бегаете как загнанная антилопа (я тоже так иногда бегаю, хоть и очень не люблю когда это происходит) с универсальным зумом и главное, чтобы картинка вообще была, а качество уже стоит на втором (дай бог втором) месте?

Ритм современной жизни высокий и вы должны чётко понимать, что сможете уделить время обдуманной спокойной съемке. Вот тогда вы сможете получить то, что даёт нам этот уникальный объектив. Разрешение, контраст, отличное боке, приятные ощущения от высокоточной механики и т.д.

Фокусировка. Учтите, что на камере с высокой плотностью пикселей, которая желательна для такого объектива фокусироваться непросто. Вам кажется в видоискатель, что вы точно попали в фокус, но на самом деле без увеличителя видоискателя попасть не так просто и подтверждение попадания в фокус, которое предоставляет камера тоже не сильно помогает. Желательна точная фокусировка на глаз! Только тогда вы увидите каждую ресничку на глазу своего ребенка!

Хотя, честно скажу, даже когда “мажешь”, красивое боке прощает промахи :) Получается художественный снимок.

На этом хочу пожелать всем хороших объективов и удачных снимков на них! Я был очень рад, тому что мне довелось снимать на ZEISS Milvus 85/1.4, надеюсь и вам доведётся.

Искренне Ваш, Дмитрий Евтифеев.

P.S. К этой статье большие фото можно посмотреть в моём альбоме на Flickr. Подписывайтесь и туда, там большие фото появляются первыми, еще до статьи здесь.

Обзор объектива Carl Zeiss Milvus 85/1.4

Lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review in comparison to the “classical” Distagon 35mm

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review

I’ve delayed a bit with this review and test of this remarkable lens, but now I’m correcting this misstep.


ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 was announced on the 21t of June 2017 and is the new development (significantly improved), which is assigned to be closer to the up to date requirements of the photo optics. In this position it has replaced ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4, which previously represented this popular combination of the focusing distance and aperture ratio in a “classical” lens range. “Classical” range in some sense was a lucky attempt of a rapid and efficient coming into the modern photo optics market. Carl Zeiss was not manufacturing the optics for the photo segment for a long time (the brand Contax in 2005 at the moment of the production curtailing was in a temporary use of the Company Kyocera, although it is a very fabulous subsidiary brand of Carl Zeiss. And the famous lenses of the passed years are associated with it, including the space missions. The admirers of the brand were looking forward to see when Contax comes back “under the wing” of Carl Zeiss).

ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4 at that moment appeared to be very nice, although no one can say, that it had breaken far away in characteristics from its’ predecessor under the brand Contax, but the resolution on the image field became better (much better on the edges), it became uniform and a bit higher in the center of the image. Plus, there was added the diaphragm controlled by the means of a digital camera.

A couple of years ago I did ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4 lens tests and remembered about them while writing the article about ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4. Thus, it will be the review of the both of these 35-s by Zeiss. At that, the “classical” version is still produced.

For those who did not know or forgot, I explain, why there is the word Milvus in the name of the lens. The reason is that the Company decided to add to the name of an optical scheme, as it was before, some extra name in order to give to the photographer an opportunity to quickly determine, which system is the lens suitable for.
Let’s see, Milvus – for the “mirror” cameras of 36 х 24mm format. Batis – autofocusing lenses for the full image system on the base of the Sony E bayonet. Loxia – lenses with a manual focusing for the full image Sony. An so on … The full list of the lenses Carl Zeiss lineup is here

The optical scheme of Distagon now has already been modified according to the requirements of the modern optics and is used not only in the wide angle lenses for the “mirror” systems, but for the “mirror less” as well, and for the focusing distance of 50 mm.

ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4

Appearance, construction, design, ergonomic

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review

The lens has got a traditional appearance for the modern Carl Zeiss lenses – a body with the rounded elements and wide rubber focusing ring, a lot of glass and metal, so you feel the lens quite a heavy in your hand.

It has almost the same weight, as Milvus 85/1.4 an is even longer, but a bit smaller in a diameter.

Lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review (and comparison to the "classical" distagon 35 mm

The blend, like all the other modern lenses Carl Zeiss have, – is bayonet fixed. Fortunately on the wide angle lenses it is not deep, and there is no problem to get to the filter from the front side in order to rotate the filter, but it would be harder on a teleconverter lens.

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review (and comparison to the "classical" distagon 35 mm

The filters with the necessity of the rotating are: polarizing, star-effect, Vario-ND.

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review

The distance scale is in feet and meters simultaneously. Besides you can notice a blue fitting rubber, which is tipical for the all Milvus lenses family – it is for the anti- dust and anti- moisture protection. There are no holes are noticed on the lens body, thus it should cope successfully with the slight water splashes, but do not abuse it. For instance, for any of the exact mechanics, to which the lenses Carl Zeiss belong, tiny sand might be fatal.

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review

Here you see the diaphragm adjusting scale, which can be found only on the lenses constructed for Nikon (ZF.2)system. On the lenses constructed for Canon (ZE) system there is no such a scale. From the one side, this makes me feel joyful because it’s easier to use the manual focusing lens for video (no need to buy a very old Zeiss with mechanics, but just take a new one for Nikon), but from the other side, I prefer to focus on my Canon 5DsR on the opened diaphragm :) But the tested lens was for the Nikon system.

Technical characteristics

 Milvus 35/1.4Distagon 35/1.4
Фокусное расстояние35 мм35 мм
Диапазон значений диафрагмыf/1.4 – f/16f/1.4 – f/16
Оптическая схема (элементов/групп)14 / 1111 / 9
Оптическая стабилизациянетнет
Диапазон фокусировки0,30 м – ∞0,30 м – ∞
Рабочий диапазон0,14 м – ∞0,15 м – ∞
Углы обзора (диаг./гориз./верт.)64,2° / 55,0° / 38,0°63° / 54° / 37°
Диаметр круга покрытия43 мм43 мм
Рабочий отрезокZF.2: 46,50 мм
ZE: 44,00 мм
ZF.2: 46,50 мм
ZE: 44,00 мм
Покрытие на МДФ169,7 мм x 112,1 мм120 x 180 мм
Масштаб на МДФ1 : 4.61:5
Диаметр резьбы под фильтрM72 x 0.75M72 x 0.75
Положение входного зрачка (за плоскостью изображения)122,0 мм
Угол вращения фокусировочного кольца (от ∞ до МДФ)227°144°
Максимальный (с блендой)ZF.2: 84,8 мм
ZE: 84,8 мм
ZF.2, ZE: 78 мм
Диаметр фокусировочного кольцаZF.2: 82,5 мм
ZE: 82,5 мм
ZF.2: 75,5 мм
ZE: 75,6 мм
Длина (без крышек)ZF.2: 125,6 мм
ZE: 124,8 мм
ZF.2: 96 мм
ZE: 98 мм
Длина (с крышками)ZF.2: 141,5 мм
ZE: 143,7 мм
ZF.2: 120 мм
ZE: 122 мм
ВесZF.2: 1131 г
ZE: 1174 г
ZF.2: 830 г
ZE: 850 г

This is clear from the table of the technical characteristics, that the lens became significantly more complex in its optical scheme.

Optical scheme

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review (and comparison to the "classical" distagon 35 mm

ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4 had one aspheric and one low dispersal element, and in the ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 lens the number of the low dispersal elements is equal to five. This should influence on its characteristics very positively.

ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 vs ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4

When I tested ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4 a couple of years ago, I had the Canon 5D mark II camera, and now for the test of ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 I use the Canon 5DsR camera, so the images shouted with ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 I had to resize in AdobePhotoshop for diminishing. I tried a few ways of downsizing, all of them without the sharpness increasing, – the results are almost similar.
Of course, it is not a perfect comparison, it’s better to be done on the same camera. But some approximate results can be assessed.


The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review (and comparison to the "classical" distagon 35 mm

In this image we see, that the ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4 lens on the opened diaphragm doesn’t completely resolute the matrix 21 Mpix because of the different aberrations, including lots of CAs. The ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 lens does not show the sharpness per pixel too, but I do not watch any CA here at all.
Some time before I would have say, that the resolution of ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 on the opened diaphragm is great, but after the tests of the lens ZEISS Otus “the great resolution” belongs to them, it is the new bench to climb :) And the matrix of 50 Mpix is harder to exceed in resolution.


The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review (and comparison to "classical" distagon 35 mm

On the opened diaphragm, surprisingly, the outstrip of the lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 in a resolution in the center of the image even increases and achieves of about 15% (as it was at about 10% on the opened diaphragm).

ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4 has got significantly better in resolution and demonstrates now a very decent image (in my view 20 Mpix and more), but ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 has become even more better, in my opinion it resolutes now 50 Mpix, but a camera with a higher resolution in a 36 х 24 mm format is not manufactured yet (and is impatiently expected).

Which camera the ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 lens will reveal the best of itself with?

ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 can, surely, be used with any bayonet-suitable camera, no problem, but as far as it’s a new and improved model, in order to employ its potential on maximum, use the camera starting from 36 Mpix and more. Ideally of 42-50 Mpix (Nikon D850, Canon 5DsR).
What particular advantages will you get, if to change ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4 with ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 on a camera with 20 Mpix? In general you will notice, that the image becomes obviously “clearer” from the CAs on the opened diaphragm, with less purple contours on the contrast objects.

Images shoot on the lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review (and comparison to "classical" distagon  35 mm

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review (and comparison to"classical" distagon 35 mm

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review (and comparison to"classical" distagon 35 mm

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 test and review (and comparison to"classical" distagon 35 mm

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 (и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Resume and impressions

The lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 is very good, and I remark a real progress in comparison to the lens ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4, and especially to the model under the brand Contax. And the most of all I’m glad to the fact of CAs significant reduction on the opened diaphragm, because you can shoot some colorful autumn leaves close up with a blurred background and not to be afraid of CAs on a background, and on the leaves also.
On a diaphragm closed up to F4 the lens ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4 is becoming very technically skilled and sharp. This is good for the landscapes, especially on the camera’s with a big resolution.


Extra pictures of ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4 (unboxing) and the link to the full size jpgs, shoot on ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4.


The full size jpgs, shoot on ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4

ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4

The extra pictures of ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4 (unboxing)

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4  и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4  и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4  и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4  и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4  и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4  и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4  и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Обзор и тест объектива ZEISS Milvus 35/1.4  и сравнение с "классическим" дистагоном 35 мм

Some test images shoot on ZEISS Distagon T✻ 35mm ƒ/1.4

These images were shoot on the opened diaphragm 1.4 in order to clarify how strong the CAs are, i.e. the lens was posed to the challenging circumstances intentionally. In the majority of the other subjects there will not be such CAs. But we need to be informed about them.

Carl Zeiss Distagon 35 1.4


Purchase the lens Carl Zeiss

Purchase the lens Carl Zeiss

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Hello my dear readers!

Today I’ve got especially pleasant cause to write an article following your passion in new photo gadgets and traveling :)

The stuff discussed today is the new photocamera — FUJIFILM X-H1.
I had a chance to test during the two day presentation in Lisboa, Portugal being invited there by the FUJIFILM Company.


First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Appearance, ergonomic & construction

Camera appearance and ergonomic

I had quite enough time to apprise the gadget’s ergonomic and construction. And I can resume my impression with the convenience that the engineer crew of FUJIFILM got an inspiration from the professional photo cameras market segment indeed.
My impression is actually confirmed by their own words towards the name of the camera, thus the letter H in the head of the gadget’s title means HIGH Perfomance for professionals.

Ergonomic of FUJIFILM X-H1 is on the top level and is better than FUJI X-T2, which I told lots of compliments to before.

Yes, the camera does not seem to be small especially when equipped by the accumulator handle.
Upper liquid crystalline screen borrowed from the eldest model – medium format camera среднеформатной FUJI GFX 50s – adds some specific esthetic to its appearance.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

I had walked across the narrow streets of Lisboa and climbed up to the steep staircases holding FUJIFILM X-H1 in my hands.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Have a look at the huge handle and thumb counter-ledge on the camera’s back. I have not seen the better designed grip yet, although I am experienced in operating the great variety of photo cameras.
So, what’s the reason of manufacturing such a good thing, if it is popular now to propose the “half-way” solutions?
The answer is simple – this is the professional FUJI photo camera’s segment.
I mean, it is not just the new flagship instead of X-T2, but specifically the new lineup of the professional photo cameras with the even higher price level.

As you can see, the grip you could only achieve on FUJI X-T2 by using the extra handle MHG-XT2 (the picture illustrates the connection of an extra handle with the camera), is provided on FUJIFILM X-H1 by default.

Remarkable things are as well the replacement of the shutter release button to more logical and convenient place, and the manual exposition correction disk occupied too much space on the body removal.

The camera has been undergone the shutter release button mechanism changes resulting in the smoother and fonder operating of the shutter.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

It might have no significant meaning for the amateur photography, but for those who are shooting everyday this is the obviously an advantage modernization, as far as the button provides the exclusively smooth release. Your finger softly dives in together with the button, and there occurs no camera drifting in result of the shutter releasing button pushing.

Besides the releasing button improvement there are the constructing changes in the shutter mechanism itself. It’s become the most silent one among the all range of FUJI X cameras.
This gives the vide opportunities of photographing the wild animals in nature or capturing any performance.

By default there was a sound indicating of the autofocus confirmation switched on, but as soon as I switched it off, the shutter operation became almost soundless – and I left this setting on, thus it was very comfortable to make photos of people without attracting too much attention during a street photography.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Rear side of the camera is lovely ascetic as before. But now you can notice the buttons became bigger, slightly shifted and more convex.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal


Outer coating

While telling you about FUJI X-T2 I emphasized that the FUJIFILM Company pays the great attention to the camera’s bodies manufacturing quality and the details adjustment.

In the modification FUJI X-H1 the Company decided to go even further, so the camera body now is made of the magnesium composition which is 25% thicker than FUJI X-T2 one, and the body outer coating is renovated as well and became harder and more scratch resistant – hardness index is 8. It has been achieved by using the bigger particles in the coating composition.

The camera is considered by the manufacturer as twice durable than FUJI X-T2. Let’s have a look at the new body.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

The 8H symbol refers to the Mohs’s scale, which was designed to definite the hardness of the material on the base of the method of scratching the testing surface by various minerals each marked with the assigned digit.

For instance, the regular glass is marked there with the digit 5.5, and still has the digit 4. Quartz is marked with 7 (it is almost the same as Gorilla Glass of your iPhone screen has). Thus I suppose you could assume the meaning of 8H in this comparison. It is really much. (The body of FUJI X-T2 has only 4H).

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

The body reinforcement

It’s not a secret that FUJIFILM is working on the new telephoto lenses, in particular XF200mmF2.

Первые впечатления от фотокамеры FUJIFILM X-H1 с примерами снимков из Португалии

Big lenses means more significant load for the bayonet. That’s why it was decided to reinforce the camera’s body and the bayonet with the stiffeners to comply with the new demand of the massive telephoto lenses using.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Waterproof characteristics

Waterproof characteristics FUJIFILM X-H1 was renewed taking into consideration the body shape modernization, new features (such as an upper LCD screen) and reinforced for the purpose of the professional usage in the tough climate conditions.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

FUJIFILM X-H1 is equipped by the 68 waterproof sealing within its body and by the 26 waterproof sealing within the accumulator handle.

For the comparison X-Pro2 camera has got 61 sealing, and X-T2 has got 63 (the placement of sealing and their configuration play their role also).

Camera cooling

FUJIFILM X-H1 records 4K video 1.5 times longer, than FUJI X-T2, and as we know 4К video requires more camera resources, so heats the sensor and everything inside the body. That’s why there is a bigger radiator placed inside the FUJI X-H1 body.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Technical characteristics

I am providing the following characteristics in comparison to the former flagship X-mount in order to let you to map them at once, because after all you will ask me about the advantages of the new model and whether or no it worths the money it costs :)

 Fujifilm X-H1Fujifilm X-T2
Announcement dateFebruary 2018July 2016
Sensor24 Мп, APS-C,
X-Trans CMOS III (6,000 x 4,000)
24 Мп, APS-C,
X-Trans CMOS III (6,000 x 4,000)
Photosensitive element size3.9 mkm3.9 mkm
ProcessorX-Processor ProX-Processor Pro
Shuttermechanical: 30 - 1/8000 sec,
electronic: 30 - 1/32000 sec
mechanical: 30 - 1/8000 sec,
electronic: 30 - 1/32000 sec
Autofocus hybrid (325 dots overall, including 169 phase)hybrid (325 dots overall, including 169 phase)
Burst speedup to 14 fps with electronic shutter and up to 11 fps with mechanical shutter using battery handleup to 14 fps with electronic shutter and up to 11 fps with mechanical shutter using battery handle
ISO200 - 12800 (100 - 51200)200 - 12800 (100 - 51200)
Flicker Reductionyesno
Exposure adjustment±5 Ev±5 Ev
LCD3″, 1 040 000 pix.3″, 1 040 000 pix.
ViewfinderEVF - 3 690 000 pix. (up to 100 fps, magnification 0,75х)EVF - 2 360 000 пикс. (up to 100 fps, magnification 0,77х)
StabilizerSensor shift (IBIS = in-body image stabilization) with 5 axis stabilization (5,5 EV)no
Video4K DCI 4096 x 2160 @ 24p / 23.98p 200Mbps
4K 3840 x 2160 @ 29,97p / 25p / 24p / 23,98p
Full HD 1920 x 1080 @ 59,94p / 50p / 29,97p / 25p / 24p / 23,98p
Full HD 1280 × 720 @ 59,94p / 50p / 29,97p / 25p / 24p / 23,98p
4K 3840x2160 @ 29.97p / 25p / 24p / 23.98p 100Mbp
Full HD 1920x1080 @ 59.94p / 50p / 29.97p / 25p / 24p / 23.98p 100Mbps
HD 1280x720 @ 60p / 50p / 30p / 25p / 24p 50Mbps
Inner F-Logyesno
Memory cards2 slots, both SD (UHS-II)2 slots, both SD (UHS-II)
Flashno built-inno built-in
Wi-Fi / USB / GPSbuilt-in / USB 3.0 / nobuilt-in / USB 3.0 / no
integrated Bluetoothyesno
Accumulator capacity (shots)310 (Li-ion battery NP-W126S)340 (Li-ion battery NP-W126S)
Battery grip handleyesyes
Case typestrengthened magnesium alloymagnesium alloy
Size (W x H x D), мм139.8 x 97.3 x 85.5132.5 x 91.8 x 49.2
Weight673 g495 g

FUJI X-H1 has got the same sensor as FUJI X-T2, but you know, the difference between a professional and a high skilled amateur hides within the details, and there are lots of them.

The main feature which makes FUJIFILM X-H1 camera outstanding from the modeling raw and raising it to the high level is surely the picture stabilization achieved by the sensor shift.

Now you can shoot using not only the lenses with an built-in stabilizer, but any lens you like, including the out-of-date models, getting stabilization on a routine base.

Thus, it is enjoying news for the photographers, but for the videographers either, and even double enjoying, because video with stabilization is principally better, than without it. And it’s become possible now to achieve such a quality using no additional stabilizer at all!

But let’s go further and I will tell you about it in details.

Coming back to the sensor, I can say that it’s proved to be very efficient on FUJI X-T2 even, so you may have no doubts about it – it’s obviously in the right place here (soon I will represent the distortion test, which is done, but the results are kept for the full version of this review).

Going further, one should pay attention to the anti-flicker function. By the way the fluorescent lights flickering is not a problem for your photos anymore.
For those photographers who are shooting, for example, the sport activities indoors, this might be a very important thing.

The viewfinder was dramatically updated as well, from 2 360 000 pix -> to 3 690 000 pix.

Unfortunately, the LCD has not undergone any changes. That’s the same a billion pixels. Not less, not much.
Thus, frankly speaking, it’s quite enough for the current resolution of 24Мpix.

Video function has been radically improved: nevertheless there is the stabilizer, it’s got the new format 4K also, and the bitrate now is higher, video 4K is being captured 1,5 times longer than before, there is the inner F-log and the film tape emulation mode called ETERNA.

Summarizing the “-“ of the model FUJIFILM X-H1, I can indicate the following: camera body size, weight and the battery operating time (in comparison with X-T2), that should not be a real disadvantage from the professional’s point of view.

Size is important for the stabilization, durability and gripping. Bigger weight is the result of the body reinforcement. We would like to have a sturdy camera for any weather conditions, wouldn’t we? And finally to be unbiased, it is much smaller than Canon 1D X for example.

The operating battery time changing might be conceded insufficient while taking into account the fact, that FUJIFILM X-H1 supports the all three batteries operating at the same time showing the charging level indicators.

Image stabilizer

FUJIFILM X-H1 is the first camera in the FUJI X-mount family, which has an image stabilizer achieved by the matrix shift (IBIS).

And it is not just a stabilizer, but the most sufficient of the present – with a five axis compensation, 5.5 grades of a compensation effect.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Type of lensIBIS (in-body-stabilisation)OIS (stabilisation in lens)Overall stabilization effect
W/O OIS lens (ex. 16-55mmF2.8)5 axisno5 axis
With OIS lens (ex. 18-55mmF2.8-4)3 axis
( X shift / Y shift / Roll )
2 axis ( Pitch / Yaw )5 axis
With OIS lens (80mm/F2.8)1 axis ( Roll )4 axis ( X shift / Y shift / Pitch / Yaw )5 axis
Zeiss W/O OIS lens5 axisno5 axis
With M mount adapter3 axis
( Pitch / Yaw / Roll )
Needs focal length info
no3 axis
With MKX lens5 axisno5 axis
With macro extension tube3 axis
( Pitch / Yaw / Roll )
no3 axis

The stabilizer is made on the base of three axis accelerometers and three gyroscopes which provide their data to the processor performing up to 10 000 operations per second.
To attain such an impressing result, it was a great work done.

Firstly, the camera needed a heavy and hard body to compensate the vibrations caused by the image stabilizer operating.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Secondly, the vibrations appear from a shutter operation as well.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

In order to compensate shutter operating vibrations, the shutter had to be hanged on the springs with the different tension forces.

Another trick was to minimize the effect of an action of the shutter release button pushing, because the major percentage of the “blur” occurs just in the moment of the finger work of the photographer causing the camera’s drift. The release button has become a very responsive, and the shutter itself – almost quiet (completely silent in the electronic mode).


In the FUJIFILM X-H1 camera the autofocus system there are 325 pixels of a hybrid autofocus (contrast + phase), which works better in the poor lighting conditions.
While previously it was announced (for X-T2) the limitation of the operating level for autofocus on 0.5EV, now it is on -1.0EV (improved by 1.5 stops).

The operating capability of the autofocus is improved to work with “slow” lenses as well. It was guaranteed up to f8, and now up to f11. Such aperture data is relevant only for the teleconverter lenses and macro photography (extreme macro).

Another serious renovation was implied to the algorithm of the low contrast textures autofocus. The new algorithm utilizes 4 times more areas around the each focusing point then the autofocus of X-T2.


First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

The first and the most important factor for video I’ve already mentioned is a stabilizer. The image stabilizer operates either separately, or in cooperation with an external stabilizer. Just watch the video to see how it works.

Videoclip by FUJIFILM demonstrating the image stabilizer operation

As the additional bonuses I can mention:
– the opportunity to record F-log on the SD card,
– The dynamic range is announced to be12 stops (FUJI records DR for 400%, that’s not quite informative for me as photographer, as far as we use the exposure steps),
– and the internal microphone upgrade (24 bit/48 kHz).

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Besides the above the camera FUJIFILM X-H1 gives 120 shoots per second in a FullHD mode, that allows to get the beautiful effects of a slow motion.

For those who want to get a lovely result immediately, there is the new video profile — ETERNA. This is the movie tape simulation which represents in beautiful shadowed colors. As for me, I liked the image, it seemed to be a truly romantic. The new profile is being implemented just straight in a camera, so far you’re generating the final product without an additional color correction, that’s actually time saving.

There is the new video format DCI 4K (4096 x 2160 @ 24p) added also. Let’s leave it for the videographers to appraise the importance of this feature.
The camera can potentially record a video in 4К format with the up to 30 minutes duration! But only with the battery handle VPB-XH1. And only 15 minutes without it.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

I do not estimate this fact as an disadvantage, because the battery handle is designed just for this place.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Anyway the one battery is surely not enough for such a camera considering its opportunity to record 4K video for a long time. It looks logical. Three batteries supports the perfect operating in all camera modes, and I had not managed to exhaust them for two days of an intensive shooting.

The camera body does not have a socket for a headphone, but it could be found on a battery handle. That’s another reason to acquire a battery handle, all the more so the many technical parameters of the camera become better with this device.

without battery handlewith battery handle Normal modeBoost mode
**autofocus speed (min.)0.08 sec0.06 sec
**EVF fps60 fps100 fps
*shooting interval0,19 sec0,17 sec
*shutter delay50 msec45 msec
*"blackout" time130 msec (116)114 msec (100)
*burst mode8 fps11 fps

I tried to record video using such a reduced rig as shown on the picture below.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Крайне удобно! Единственное, что здесь нет возможности крутить фоллоуфокус и приходится полагаться на распознавание лиц, что в случае съемки струн и пальцев бегущих по струнам как раз не к месту, но у меня получилось. А с большим ригом фокус на любое место не проблема. Хотя что это я о ригах, когда речь о камере? :) Да дело в том, что камера справлялась на отлично :)

It was an extremely comfortable! The only thing to mention is that there was no option to adjust the followfocus, thus one would have to relay on the face detection function. In my case it was inappropriate, as far as I was making the movie of the strings and the fingers playing the music. But despite it I succeeded.
And with a big rig to focus on any point is not a problem.
But why am I haranguing about the rigs, when the subject matter is the new FUJIFILM camera? :)
The point is that the camera was working perfectly! :)

Unfortunately, the discussed video I made on the camera placed on a rig was left on the camera’s memory card. And I got the only video I made from hands. But nevertheless…

Video from FUJI X-H1 in F-log

Regular 4К video from FUJI X-H1

MKX lenses

FUJIFILM X-H1 явно ориентирована и на серьезную съемку видео т.к. уже совместима с новой серией кинообъективов на X-mount, которые FUJIFILM, которые вскоре будут выпущены.
FUJINON MKX 18-55mmT2.9 и FUJINON MKX 50-135mmT2.9 будут выпущены в июне 2018г.

FUJIFILM X-H1 is obviously targeted to the serious video filming, because it is compatible with the new X-mount lens line, which are coming out soon from the FUJIFILM factories.
FUJINON MKX 18-55mmT2.9 and FUJINON MKX 50-135mmT2.9 lenses will be manufactured in June 2018г.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

In a 35mm format MKX 18-55 covers the focal length from 27mm up to 84mm, and MKX 50-135 – from 76mm up to 206mm.

The lens design has been optimized for a video filming: the focus shift and the image center shift along the optical axis while zooming have been minimized, and also the effect of the lens “breathing” (the viewing angle change while focusing) has been significantly diminished as well.

I had a chance to test them both with the camera FUJIFILM X-H1. The lenses are surprisingly lightweight for this lens class (film lenses).

MKX lenses have got three rings: for zooming, for focusing and for aperture. All the rings are moving smoothly without any semi-settings (it’s actual for the aperture ring). The rings’ rotation angle comes up to 200°, that’s very considerable.

That’s gratifying, that all the rings are placed on the same level in both lenses, so they can be used on the same rig without any corrections.

I’d like to draw your attention to the moment, that the lenses’ light strength is indicated in terms of a transferring ability, T2.9. This means, that in any zoom position the lens does not change the shot exposition, which is mighty critical for the video.

There is a macro mode in these lenses, which enables the close up shooting.

MK18-55mm: minimum focusing distance 0.38m (wide end)
MK50-135mm: minimum focusing distance 0.85m (wide end)

FUJIFILM X-H1 camera tests

I was lucky to test the camera in a different circumstances. The first scene was portrait in a poor lighting conditions.


First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

I’m fond of close up face shooting. You can see model Anna from Brazil on the image above :)

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

We were shooting in the royal room, as far as I know it was one of the chambers of a former hospital. If I had not got a willing to make a portrait with a blurred background in order to differentiate the face from the surrounding, I would make photos of the amazing interior. :)

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Portrait in a backlighting

A very interesting and nicely got (for my taste) experiment with a backlighting. Where my camera Canon 5DsR surely would make a face undetectable with a hopelessly overexposed background, FUJIFILM X-H1 enabled to make beautiful images in a “high key”. I did like them more then the standard ones this time.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

The very tender portraits. In a studio I would exactly use a reflector for the aim of not falling the face to black, but with FUJIFILM X-H1 it was not only unnecessary but the result without a reflector appeared to be even better. A slight white voile on the face brings the romantic to the image.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

But usually i use a flash as i did here. There is no artistry of course, I was in a lack of time and a thick mist was behind the window. But for my mind, the sharply delineated face appeared to be worse than the previous result.

Outdoor portrait

Actually before this subject there was another shooting theme in a poorly lighted apartment, but I didn’t like those pictures. Little light = little color and a lot of noise on ISO 3200 and higher. As far as the sensor had not been changed it was useless to expect any magical tricks from the camera.
Undoubtedly it’s not the same as Canon performs, but what’s a reason for to put the camera in such extreme conditions in advance and use a noise reduction subsequently, if you can just come out from the darkness and get the clear image with the juicy colors at once? And you’ll be satisfied with the image on ISO 800 and lower.

All of these conclusions are subjective and exclusively regards to my strict taste to the image clearance and color.

But outdoor the camera has fully revealed its potential.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

What can I say… From the point of view of the exposition accuracy and the easiness of getting the interesting subject FUJIFILM X-H1 is better than any of the existing mirror cameras. Thus, besides the opportunity to work manually you’re getting the automatic mode, which gives you a liberty to concentrate on a subject or artistry without being fixed on settings. Of course, nobody hinders you to shoot the same way the mirror camera performs, but there is the decent automatic- that’s what I say.If you’re a professional photographer and rush to produce more and faster with a good quality following the demand of the modern reality, FUJIFILM X-H1 is exactly what you need.

In case if there is a time you can crawl on your belly around the models setting the lightings and adjusting the exposition for the sake of your artistry ambitions, but when the time is money, you’d better to rely on FUJIFILM X-H1, which provides the efficient solution.

Shooting moving objects

For the shooting in movement we had a couple of dancers. A charming russian-speaking girl and a dark-skinned guy. They were improvising creating the intrigue.
The woman photographer (our master class presenter) showed her style of the dance shooting with a constant light. That was nice by the way, but with the contra lighting again. So I did my step aside and used my flashlight (Profoto B1) being a kind of a naughty boy among of our group. )

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

The autofocus operated fast and exact. The camera had to focus in a split second, the dancers in their jump move very quickly, and they were jumping almost straight on me, that posed an additional complexity for the autofocus.

Scene with a harp

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

A girl was playing a harp and singing, and we were shooting her performance. Mostly on video, but I did some photos of a beautiful movement of her playing fingers. The difficulty of the subject was that her face was located behind the harp strings and was visible, but I was shooting the fingers. So the camera should choose the focusing subject and did it properly.

Landscape shooting

Portugal is a very spectacular country, and in February the weather is almost similar to June in the Russian western region. Green and some yellow leaves, +15 С outdoor and people are dressed in T-shirts and windjackets.
Lisboa is a very old medieval town, and there are a lot of small and pretty streets. And one evening is certainly not enough for shooting the memory cards of this place, to capture all that you would like to, and even at least 10% of it. But I’ve managed to shoot a few lovely pictures.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

The bright sky and streetlights. I’ve dealt with it effortlessly by fading the sky and streetlights.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

On this picture you could easily make the embankment to appear if you want. As for me, I just have faded the Sun, nothing more, and the dynamic diapason was enough for it!

Preliminary summary and conclusions

FUJIFILM X-H1 in my opinion has turned to be a very good camera. The engineering crew focused on the really significant things, but not just followed on a leash of the fashion.
The first of all, it’s an incredible ergonomic!
Yes, there are always some skeptics who want to have a professional camera in a smartphone format. But their requirements have already been met by the smartphone manufacturers.:) But in my hands FUJIFILM X-H1 feels like a pleasure of my soul. With a battery handle it is accurately the same shape factor as desired and comfortable to hold in any situation. For some particular cases the battery handle may be detached, but I would prefer not to do this! The first reason is that the operating time with one battery is quite a short, and the second is that the engineers placed some options to the battery handle. Thus deciding to detach it, you are depriving yourself of some features.
I was enjoying the three battery charging level indicators (that the only FUJI cameras have!), so I was able to control the battery consumption in any time. And I can declare that this three batteries provide a really long camera operation.

In fact, when buying the camera set with the battery handle at once, all three batteries you will get complementary. This is a good reason to purchase the camera with the battery handle in set, I suppose.

Меня радует также видоискатель с высоким разрешением, который позволяет точно фокусироваться в том числе на ярком солнце мануальными линзами.

I’m glad to have an opportunity of an easy focusing with the manual lenses even on a bright sunshine, which is provided by the high resolution viewfinder.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Let’s add to the camera’s advantages list the high quality sensor, which efficiently operates in a backlighting and allows to reveal the overexposed details from a shadow.

Even if I do not shoot video 4K professionally, nevertheless the time’s come when I need it too. In example, for the purpose of the jewelry shooting with the following downsampling in order to improve the detalization. I was just recently talking about it in the article devoted to the macro lens Fujinon XF 80mm f/2.8 R LM OIS WR Macro.

And ETERNA profile, which helps to shoot a beautiful videoclip with the reduced time costs, doesn’t it worth to be noted, does it?

And, certainly – an image stabilizer. It is a real bomb! Yes, it is the most efficient (not compared just with Olympus only) among the all the cameras represented on the market nowadays.

First impression from FUJIFILM X-H1 camera with sample shots from Portugal

Yes, it is compatible with the all lenses, and in a result you are getting compensation effect of 5 – 5.5 exposure steps.

Отдельные товарищи утверждали про съемку в 8 или 11 секунд с рук, но вы не верьте, конечно, чтобы не разочароваться :) Он очень эффективный, но это не волшебная палочка. И без того это огромный скачок в удобстве съемки! Сложно переоценить такое нововведение.

Someone said about shooting hand-held for 8 or even 11 seconds but you should better do not believe it in order not to be disappointed :)
It is remarkably effective, but it is not a magic stick by the way. Even besides it is a giant leap in the shooting convince! And it is difficult to exaggerate such an innovation.

In a dry rest we have the camera intended for professionals. I’d rather say, for solo professionals or small teams. It is in a trend now, and I’m very glad, that there is the camera manufactured just for us I covet to have :)

But wait for the detailed tests, all is ahead! :)

Have a nice shoots and a perfect photo equipment, which does not hind your creativity! :)


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